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Category: Global

Vatican and UNICEF to work together for disadvantaged youth

(Vatican Radio) The Vatican and the United Nations Children’s Fund on Tuesday signed an agreement aimed at working more closely together to reach out to some of the most disadvantaged young people in the world. 
The executive director of UNICEF, Anthony Lake, met with Pope Francis at the Casa Santa Marta to sign the agreement of cooperation with Scholas Occurrentes, an organization launched by the Pope during his time as archbishop of Buenos Aires. The initiative uses sports, technology and art to promote social integration and a culture of encounter amongst disadvantaged young people.
A second agreement was also signed between Scholas Occurrentes and  the South American Football Confederation [CONMEBOL]  By working closely together, these organizations aim to “provide adolescents with the tools, information and comprehension they need to become citizens who can participate fully in their societies and in the world.” Young people between the ages of 10 and 19 years old represent about 20% of the world’s population. The majority of them live in developing countries.
Speaking with Vatican Radio after the signing ceremony, UNICEF’s Anthony Lake stressed the importance of connecting innovative youth with their likeminded peers to create a culture of “Youth for youth” encounter…
Listen to the interview by Mercedes De La Torre of Vatican Radio’s Latin American section: 

Adolescence is a crucial moment, the age of risk but also a time of opportunity, he says.  Young people who learn to work together and solve common problems are developing skills that will more than help build a better future for themselves.
Lake explaines that the two organizations will explore new ways in which they can mobilize social networks and social movements in favor of the most disadvantaged children. They will also explore other opportunities for collaboration, centering around world events for youth, such as the Social Impact of Youth Summit at the 2015 Summer Special Olympic Games in Los Angeles.
This is not the first time that Pope Francis has highlighted the role which sport can play in the lives of young people from difficult backgrounds. During a meeting with the Italian and Argentine national football teams in the Vatican in August 2013, the Pope reminded them that “Football players are often looked up to by young people” and he urged them to be good role models for their fans.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Vatican and UNICEF to work together for disadvantaged youth

(Vatican Radio) The Vatican and the United Nations Children’s Fund on Tuesday signed an agreement aimed at working more closely together to reach out to some of the most disadvantaged young people in the world.  The executive director of UNICEF, Anthony Lake, met with Pope Francis at the Casa Santa Marta to sign the agreement…
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Vatican and UNICEF to work together for disadvantaged youth

(Vatican Radio) The Vatican and the United Nations Children’s Fund on Tuesday signed an agreement aimed at working more closely together to reach out to some of the most disadvantaged young people in the world.  The executive director of UNICEF, Anthony Lake, met with Pope Francis at the Casa Santa Marta to sign the agreement…
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Vatican calls for world anti-trafficking agency

(Vatican Radio) The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS) says it’s outrageous that there is no shared EU responsibility for the refugees trying to reach Italy. The Academy also said there is an urgent need to set up a world anti-trafficking agency. The comments came at a press conference held in the Vatican by leading members of PASS at the end of their 5-day plenary meeting whose theme was “Human Trafficking: Issues Beyond Criminalization. 
Human trafficking is a huge global phenomenon that is worth a staggering 150 billion dollars and experts say the age of the trafficked victims is getting younger and younger. The President of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences is Margaret Archer who told journalists that the PASS members discussed how to prevent the crime of human trafficking, by tackling the twin issues of supply and demand for sex workers and forced labour.  She spoke to Susy Hodges.
Listen to the interview with Professor Margaret Archer, President of PASS:  

Asked about what steps need to be taken to reduce demand for prostitutes and forced labourers, Archer said there’s a need to embark on a process in which the clients of brothels and the companies using forced labour become socially stigmatized by harnessing the power of the social media such as Facebook to spread messages against these practices, especially among the young and students in schools. She compared it to the successful actions which have been taken against smokers and especially the ban on smoking in public places over the past decades which have led to a sweeping change in behaviour.  
“We can send out messages that using prostitutes isn’t cool and…. that “it messes up your cool image.”   
(from Vatican Radio)…

Vatican calls for world anti-trafficking agency

(Vatican Radio) The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS) says it’s outrageous that there is no shared EU responsibility for the refugees trying to reach Italy. The Academy also said there is an urgent need to set up a world anti-trafficking agency. The comments came at a press conference held in the Vatican by leading…
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