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Category: Global

Pope Francis: close to Kenyan victims of university attack

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis has sent a message to the Catholic Bishops Conference of Kenya expressing his spiritual closeness to the families of victims of Thursday’s early morning attack by Islamist militants on Garissa University College in Kenya.  At least 147 young people died in the attack by Al Shebaab gunmen from Somalia.  Many of…
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Pope Francis encourages Colombians in peace talks

(Vatican Radio)  Continue with the work of “justice, brotherhood, solidarity, dialogue and understanding:” that’s Pope Francis’ encouragement to the people of Colombia as the country negotiates with Marxist rebels to end fifty years of war.   The Bogotà government is more than two years into peace negotiations with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, rebel group.
Listen to Tracey McClure’s report:

In a letter on the Pope’s behalf to Colombian bishops for Holy Week, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin says the Pope is aware of the crucial importance of this time in which the Colombian people are seeking “to construct a more just and fraternal society: a society in peace.”
“His Holiness invites you to be collaborators in the construction of peace,” Cardinal Parolin writes, adding that the Pope expresses his solidarity with the victims of the conflict which has killed 220,000 people.
The letter invites Colombians to “not lose energy or hope” in the face of difficulties in the peace process and urges them “to continue to work for truth, justice and reparation” so that “what went before will never be repeated.”
Negotiators have so far reached partial accords on land reform, an end to the illegal drugs trade and political participation for ex-rebels. They are now debating issues of reparations to victims and the demobilization of guerrillas.
“We must continue the commitment to the displaced, to survivors of land mines, those who have endured the taking of their property, the kidnapped, with everyone who has suffered,”
the letter reads.
“Constructing peace,”  the letter says, “is a complex process that does not come to completion in short term spaces or plans.  Risks need to be taken to cement peace…”
“Building a stable and lasting peace,” for Pope Francis means also “to work in favor of healthy relationships within  families which are struck by worrisome situations of violence so that, transformed by the power of the Gospel, they may become seeds and schools of a culture of peace and of reconciliation.”
All of the Church, its parishes and institutions, the letter reads, must “take the risk” of being transformed into “a field hospital:” a safe haven where victims of atrocities can meet with those who committed the violence against them. What the Pope is looking for is a Church where everyone can find healing and an opportunity to recover their lost or stolen dignity – “a place where repentance, forgiveness and the decision to not reproduce the chain of violence are possible.”
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis: the Lord’s Passion and Via Crucis

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Good Friday (April 3rd) presides over the liturgy marking the Lord’s Passion in St Peter’s Basilica at 5pm and at 9.15 pm leads the traditional Via Crucis (Way of the Cross) at Rome’s Colosseum. The meditations for the 14 Stations of the Cross have been written this year by Renato Corti, Bishop Emeritus of Novara in Italy.   (from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis sends condolences for victims of attack in Garissa, Kenya

Telegram to His Eminence Cardinal John Njue, President of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops, Nairobi
Deeply saddened by the immense and tragic loss of life caused by the
recent attack on the Garissa University College, the Holy Father sends
assurances of his prayers and spiritual closeness to the families of the
victims and to all Kenyans at this painful time. He commends the souls
of the deceased to the infinite mercy of Almighty God, and he prays that
all who mourn them will be comforted in their loss. In union with all
people of good will throughout the world, His Holiness condemns this act
of senseless brutality and prays for a change of heart among its
perpetrators. He calls upon all those in authority to redouble their
efforts to work with all men and women in Kenya to bring an end to such
violence and to hasten the dawn of a new era of brotherhood, justice and

Cardinal Pietro Parolin

Secretary of State

[00534-EN.01] [Original text: English]…

Pope Francis encourages Colombians in peace talks

(Vatican Radio)  Continue with the work of “justice, brotherhood, solidarity, dialogue and understanding:” that’s Pope Francis’ encouragement to the people of Colombia as the country negotiates with Marxist rebels to end fifty years of war.  The Bogotà government is more than two years into peace negotiations with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC,…
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