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Category: Global

Holy See: International Community must intervene to protect children

(Vatican Radio) The Holy See has urged the International Community to “intervene” when  national  governments are unable or unwilling to protect their populations. Archbishop Bernardito Auza, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, was speaking at an open debate on “Children in Armed Conflict” at the United Nations Security Council. “In the…
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Cardinal Filoni visits Iraqi refugees in Jordan: "I admired the generosity of so many"

Amman – Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, was sent by the Holy Father to Iraq to express, the closeness, affection and the union of the Pope’s prayer with the many “Christian families and other groups of victims who were expelled from their homes and their villages, particularly in the city of Mosul and the Nineveh plain, many of whom had taken refuge in the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan”. Already in August 2014, Cardinal Filoni, was sent by Pope Francis to the Asian country to express spiritual closeness to the suffering peoples and bring the solidarity of the Church. Cardinal Filoni, according to information sent to Agenzia Fides, stopped-over in Jordan, Amman yesterday, where he was able to visit two parishes that welcome Iraqi refugees and met the head of Caritas Jordan. “I also saw the preparation for the reception of about twenty families – informs the Cardinal -. I admired the generosity of so many. It is nice to see that these families are able to regain their dignity and an atmosphere of friendship. In the parish of Mary Mother of the Church there is an afternoon school for the children of refugees. About 300 children. There is also an English course for adults and a small club for adult men”. Last night Cardinal Filoni left for Baghdad….

Cardinal Filoni visits Iraqi refugees in Jordan: "I admired the generosity of so many"

Amman – Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, was sent by the Holy Father to Iraq to express, the closeness, affection and the union of the Pope’s prayer with the many “Christian families and other groups of victims who were expelled from their homes and their villages, particularly in…
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Pope Francis on Palm Sunday: remember persecuted Christians

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis remembered the persecuted Christians in the world on Sunday – Palm Sunday – during Mass in St. Peter’s Square. Following the proclamation of the Passion according to St. Mark, Pope Francis delivered a homily, in which he reflected on the plight of all those who endure humiliation because of their faithfulness to the Gospel, all those who face discrimination and pay a personal price for their fidelity to Christ.
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“We think too of our brothers and sisters who are persecuted because they are Christians,” he said, “ the martyrs of our own time .” The Holy Father went on to say, “They refuse to deny Jesus and they endure insult and injury with dignity. They follow Him on His way. ”
The reflection came at the end of his brief Palm Sunday homily, which was intensely focused on the way of humility that Christ chose to undertake for our salvation. “This is God’s way, the way of humility,” he said. “It is the way of Jesus; there is no other.”
The Holy Father concluded with a call to all the faithful to undertake the Way of the Cross, which leads to salvation and eternal life, with new dedication and devotion during Holy Week. “Let us set about with determination along this same path,” said Pope Francis, “with immense love for Him, our Lord and Saviour.  Love will guide us and give us strength .  For where He is, we too shall be. (cf. Jn  12:26)”
(from Vatican Radio)…

Angelus: Pope prays for Germanwings crash victims

(Vatican Radio) Following Mass for Palm Sunday in St Peter’s Square, Pope Francis during the Angelus prayed for the victims of the Germanwings air crash on Tuesday which killed 150 people. The Holy Father entrusted them to Mary’s intercession including the group of German students who lost their lives.
The Pope also greeted the young people present for Diocesan World Youth Day urging them to continue on their path of pilgrimage which will, he said, eventually lead you to Krakow in 2016.
The theme for next year’s World Youth Day event is “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy”, which Pope Francis noted “fits in well” with upcoming  Holy Year of Mercy which begins on December 8.
The Holy Father also prayed that Mary our Mother would help us to live with faith Holy Week.
(from Vatican Radio)…