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Category: Global

Fr Cantalamessa reflects on Evangelii Gaudium

(Vatican Radio) The preacher of the Pontifical Household, Father Raniero Cantalamessa, says the conversion that Jesus wants from us is not a step backwards but instead a leap forwards. Father Cantalamessa was speaking in his first meditation of Lent during which he reflected on Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium.  He said every baptized Christian…
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?Pope Francis at the close of the Spiritual Exercises – With a piece of Elijah’s mantle

The meditations this
morning, Friday 27 February, in Ariccia
were the last of the Spiritual Exercises in which the Pontiff and members of
the Roman Curia participated. Meditations were led by Carmelite, Fr Bruno
Secondin, in the chapel of the House of Divin Maesto belonging to the Pauline
Fathers. At the end of his reflection Friday morning, Pope Francis wanted to
thank the preacher. “On behalf of everyone, myself included,” the Pope said, “
I would like to thank the Father, for his work with us in the exercises. It
isn’t easy to lead priests in exercises! We are all a little complicated, but
you managed to do some sowing. May the Lord make these seeds that you gave us grow.
And I wish for myself and I wish for us all that we may leave here with a
little piece of Elijah’s mantle, in our hands and in our hearts. Thank you,
Father”. The last stop of the itinerary of reflection and prayer
proposed by Fr Secondin was centered on the biblical narrative in the Second
Book of Kings (2:1-14) which describes Elijah’s final farewell to his disciples
and to Elisha, his ascent in the chariot of fire and the start of the mission
of Elisha, who disrobes himself and puts on the mantle of his master and, on
the River Jordan, he is recognized as the true heir of the
prophet. It is an intense story, filled
with tenderness, in which the
characteristic hardness of Elijah melts a little. The Prophet learns in some
way learns – and we too should learn, Fr
Secondin suggested “to offer embraces of
hope and tenderness” – from his disciple who is affectionate and patient….

?Pope Francis at the close of the Spiritual Exercises – With a piece of Elijah’s mantle

The meditations this morning, Friday 27 February, in Ariccia were the last of the Spiritual Exercises in which the Pontiff and members of the Roman Curia participated. Meditations were led by Carmelite, Fr Bruno Secondin, in the chapel of the House of Divin Maesto belonging to the Pauline Fathers. At the end of his reflection…
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Pope Francis returns to Vatican after Lenten retreat

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis and members of the Roman Curia have returned to the Vatican at the conclusion of their  5-day Lenten retreat held in the town of Ariccia near Rome. The spiritual exercises began last Sunday (February 22nd) and took place in the Casa Divin Maestro centre in Ariccia. In brief remarks at the conclusion of the retreat the Pope thanked Carmelite Father Bruno Secondin for leading the spiritual exercises with them.   Please find below a translation into English of the Pope’s remarks: “On behalf of all of us, I too would like to thank the father for his work among us during the spiritual exercises. It’s not easy to give exercises to priests, right?  We’re a bit complicated, all of us, but you succeeded in sowing seeds. May the Lord make these seeds that you have given us grow and I also hope that myself and all the others can leave here with a piece of Elijah’s cloak, in our hands and in our hearts. Thank you father!   (from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis returns to Vatican after Lenten retreat

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis and members of the Roman Curia have returned to the Vatican at the conclusion of their  5-day Lenten retreat held in the town of Ariccia near Rome. The spiritual exercises began last Sunday (February 22nd) and took place in the Casa Divin Maestro centre in Ariccia. In brief remarks at the…
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