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Category: Global

Pope to CCEE: The healing power of Jesus for Europe and families

(Vatican Radio/VIS)  “Family and future of Europa” is the theme of the plenary assembly taking place in these days at the Council of European Episcopal Conferences. This morning Pope Francis received seventy of its members, to whom he delivered an off-the-cuff address. He subsequently handed them a written discourse underlining how, as pastors close to…
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Pope Francis meets President of Sri Lanka

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis met on Friday with the president of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa, who also held talks with the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin. During their meeting the Pope and the President discussed the situation in Sri Lanka, with particular reference to recent social and economic progress. Their discussion also focused…
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Pope Francis meets President of Sri Lanka

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis met on Friday with the president of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa, who also held talks with the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin. During their meeting the Pope and the President discussed the situation in Sri Lanka, with particular reference to recent social and economic progress. Their discussion also focused…
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Pope Francis: Are we open or closed to God’s way of salvation?

(Vatican Radio) Are we open to the gift of God’s salvation, or do we prefer to take refuge in the safety of our man-made rules and regulations? That was the question Pope Francis posed during his homily at the morning Mass at Santa Marta on Friday, as Philippa Hitchen reports… Listen:  God’s only wish, Pope Francis told…
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Pope Francis: Are we open or closed to God’s way of salvation?

(Vatican Radio) Are we open to the gift of God’s salvation, or do we prefer to take refuge in the safety of our man-made rules and regulations? That was the question Pope Francis posed during his homily at the morning Mass at Santa Marta on Friday, as Philippa Hitchen reports… Listen:  God’s only wish, Pope Francis told…
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