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Category: Global

Pope Francis: Christian unity not division

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Wednesday said that in a Christian community division is one of the worst sins because it comes not from God. He made the comment during weekly General Audience on Wednesday in St Peter’s Square. Listen to this report by Lydia O’Kane  The importance of unity was at the heart of Pope Francis’…
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Pope Francis: Christian unity not division

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Wednesday said that in a Christian community division is one of the worst sins because it comes not from God. He made the comment during weekly General Audience on Wednesday in St Peter’s Square. Listen to this report by Lydia O’Kane  The importance of unity was at the heart of Pope Francis’…
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Pope Francis at weekly General Audience

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis greeted thousands of pilgrims and tourists in St Peter’s Square on Wednesday for his weekly General Audience. During his catechesis the Holy Father stressed the importance of unity in the Church and in our lives. Below are the Pope’s English language remarks read out during the General Audience Dear Brothers and…
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Iraq, Nigeria: Abp Tomasi– stop persecution by Islamic extremists

(Vatican Radio) The Holy See’s Permanent Observer to the United Nations in Geneva, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi has renewed his appeal to the international community to stop Islamic State militants from persecuting and exterminating Christians and other minorities in Iraq and other parts of the region. Speaking to Vatican Radio’s Italian Service, Archbishop Tomasi said,  “In…
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Iraqi Patriarch appeals to world: do not remain indifferent to our suffering

(Vatican Radio) “The international community, and in particular the European Union and the United States cannot remain indifferent” to the “humanitarian catastrophe” unfolding at the hands of Islamic State militants. Those, the words of the Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans, Raphael Louis Sako I who has renewed his urgent appeal on behalf of Christians…
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