As Confirmation sponsor, you can play a vital role in your candidate’s journey—both in preparing for the sacrament and beyond. The very fact that a teen has chosen you as his or her sponsor indicates a connection and respect that can be a great foundation to build upon.
Who can be a Sponsor? Candidates were encouraged to consider someone with a vibrant faith life who would serve as a good role model in the Faith. Because of the deep connection between the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, the Church highly recommends that one of the candidate’s godparents be considered as a Confirmation sponsor (see Code of Canon Law 893.) Sponsors must attend Mass regularly and must be of at least sixteen years of age. Sponsors are to be Confirmed Catholics and lead a life in harmony with the duty you are undertaking. If the sponsor is married, he/she must be in a valid marriage recognized by the Church. A sponsor cannot be one of the parents of the student, nor can they be bound by any canonical penalty.
We will have MANDATORY Sponsor/Candidate Meetings on September 6th, 2022 & January 5th, 2023.
**NEW – The deadline for sponsor registration is Sept 1, 2022.