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Tag: Global

Pope greets participants in Italy’s March for Life

(Vatican Radio) During his Regina Coeli address on Sunday, Pope Francis greeted participants in Italy’s fifth annual March for Life. “I greet all those participating in the initiative for life taking place this morning in Rome,” the Pope said. “It is important to work together to defend and promote life.”
Among those taking part in the March was Cardinal Raymond Burke, the Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Speaking with Vatican Radio, Cardinal Burke said, “St John Paul II urged us, in his wonderful encyclical letter on the Gospel of Life, to make public manifestations to demonstrate the incomparable beauty, the inviolability of innocent, defenceless human life.” He said the March is “very important in Italy as a sign of the Italian peoples dedication to the apostolate for the restoration of the respect for all human life, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.”
Cardinal Burke also mentioned the international aspect of the March for Life. “It’s wonderful to see the international participation” in the March, he said. “So many come from various countries because they want to join the Italian people in their testimony to the dignity of human life, created in God’s own image and redeemed by our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Listen to Cardinal Raymond Burke speaking about Italy’s annual March for Life:  

(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope sends Message to celebrate Our Lady of Mercy

(Vatican Radio) This Sunday also marks the 200 th anniversary of the Coronation of Our Lady of Mercy, by Pius VII, in the northwestern Italian port city of Savona. Pope Francis sent a Message to the Bishop of Savona-Noli, Vittorio Lupi, to mark the occurrence, in which the Holy Father implores the particular protection of Our Lady of Mercy for the Jubilee of Mercy he has convoked for the coming year.
The Basilica that houses the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Mercy was built in the mid-16 th century (between 1536 and 1540) in honor of the Virgin Mary, who appeared to a peasant named Antonio Botta on march 18th, 1536. The site quickly became a destination for pilgrims, and the statue of the Virgin erected within the shrine was presented with a golden crown by Pope Pius VII in 1815.
“I hope,” writes Pope Francis, “that, as we approach the Extraordinary Holy Year, our trust in the Mother of Mercy might be deepened and spread throughout the whole Church.” 
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis at Regina coeli: God bless mothers, everywhere

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis offered Mother’s Day greetings to all mothers, everywhere, on Sunday. “Today in many countries celebrate Mother’s Day,” he said, addressing the great crowd of pilgrims and tourists gathered beneath the window of the Papal apartments that looks down on St. Peter’s Square to pray the Regina coeli with him, “we remember with gratitude and affection all mothers.”
Departing from his prepared text, Pope Francis went on to ask a round of applause for all mothers present in the Square. “That applause embraces all mothers, all our dear mothers: those who live with us physically, but also those who live with us spiritually. The Lord bless them all, and may the Mother of God, to whom this month is dedicated, watch over them all.”
Ahead of the traditional prayer of Marian devotion at Eastertide, Pope Francis reflected on the Gospel reading of the day, drawn from the 15 th chapter of the Gospel according to St. John. “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you,” he said, quoting the Gospel text, which goes on to say, “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
“Therefore,” said Pope Francis, “this Word of the Lord calls us to love each other, to desire the good for one another, even if we do not always understand each other, even if we do not always geta long – but it is preciesly there, that we see what Christian love is.”
(from Vatican Radio)…

Castro to attend Papal Cuba Masses

(Vatican Radio) “If the Pope keeps going the way he’s going, I’ll come back to the Catholic Church.” These were just some of the words the President of Cuba, Raul Castro spoke during the course of a press conference following his audience with Pope Francis on Sunday morning. Regarding the Holy Father’s upcoming visit to Cuba, Castro said that he would be present at all the Masses Pope Francis is to celebrate during his stay on the island. The session with journalists immediately followed Castro’s meeting with Italy’s Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, which also took place on Sunday morning. (from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis to Pope Tawadros: ecumenism of blood unites us

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis sent a Message to Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria on Sunday, to mark two years since the Coptic Patriarch’s visit to the Holy See. In the Message, the Holy Father speaks of the present suffering of Christians in many parts of the world, and especially of the persecution of the Coptic Christians, whom Pope Tawadros leads. “Today more than ever we are united by the ecumenism of blood, which further encourages us on the path towards peace and reconciliation,” writes Pope Francis. “I assure you and the Christian community in Egypt and throughout the Middle East of my unceasing prayer,” continues Pope Francis, promising to remember in particular the Coptic faithful recently martyred for their Christian faith. Below, please find the official text, in English, of the Message from Pope Francis to Pope Tawadros   *******************************************  To His Holiness Tawadros II Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark As the second anniversary of our fraternal meeting in Rome is at hand, I wish to express to Your Holiness my prayerful best wishes for your well-being, as well as my appreciation for the spiritual bonds which unite the See of Peter and the See of Mark. Today more than ever we are united by the ecumenism of blood, which further encourages us on the path towards peace and reconciliation.  I assure you and the Christian community in Egypt and throughout the Middle East of my unceasing prayer, and I remember in particular the Coptic faithful recently martyred for their Christian faith.  May the Lord welcome them into his Kingdom.   With thanksgiving to the Lord, I recall our advances along the path of friendship, united as we are by one baptism.  Though our communion is yet imperfect, what we have in common is greater than what divides us.  May we persevere on our journey to full communion, and grow in love and understanding. It is particularly encouraging that the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches has recently finalized the document The Exercise of Communion in the Life of the Early Church and its Implications for our Search for Communion Today . I am certain that Your Holiness shares my hope that this vital dialogue will carry on and bear abundant fruit. I am especially grateful for the willingness of the Patriarchate of the See of Saint Mark to hold the next meeting of the Commission in Cairo. Christians throughout the world are facing similar challenges, which require us to work together in confronting these issues. I appreciate your appointment last year of a delegate to participate in the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops dedicated to the family. It is my hope that our cooperation in this area may continue, especially in addressing matters related to mixed marriages. With these sentiments, and recalling what has rightly become known as the day of friendship between the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church, I exchange with Your Holiness a fraternal embrace in Christ the Lord. From the Vatican, 10 May 2015 (from Vatican Radio)…