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Tag: Global

Pope Francis to Address a Joint Session of the U.S. Congress

The Holy See Press Office has confirmed that Pope Francis
will address a Joint Session of the United States Congress on 24 September 2015
during his pastoral visit to the U.S.A. The Speaker of the House of
Representatives, John Boehner, made the announcement earlier on Thursday. In
his statement, Mr. Boehner said the Holy Father’s “historic visit” would make
him the “first leader of the Holy See to address a joint meeting of Congress,”
adding that he was “truly grateful that Pope Francis has accepted our invitation.”
Mr. Boehner noted that “in a time of global upheaval, the
Holy Father’s message of compassion and human dignity has moved people of all
faiths and backgrounds. His teachings, prayers, and very example bring us back
to the blessings of simple things and our obligations to one another.”
A statement from the Archdiocese of Washington described the
announcement as “a great honor and tremendous joy to welcome our Holy Father,
Pope Francis, to the Archdiocese of Washington during his proposed pastoral
visit to the United States in September.”
On his January 19 return flight from the
Philippines to Rome, Pope Francis met with the press corps travelling with him
and said that his September 2015 trip to the U.S. would take him to
Philadelphia, New York and Washington. During his press conference with journalists
aboard that flight, he announced that he would be addressing the General
Assembly of the United Nations in New York City, as well as confirming his
presence and participation in the World Meeting of Families set to take place
in Philadelphia on September 26 & 27….

Pope Francis holds Google Hangout with disabled youth

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis held a Google Hangout Thursday afternoon with several disabled kids from around the world, in an event sponsored by Scholas Ocurrentes, a charity which brings together young people via sports, art, and technology. Speaking from the Paul VI Audience Hall, he said Scholas can help them by building bridges and communicating. Listen to our report:

“When you communicate, you give the best you have inside, and you receive the best from others, and that is very important,” he said. “When we don’t communicate, we stay alone with our limitations, and that is bad for us.” Pope Francis said disabled youth have a “treasure chest”, which must be shared with others. “If we keep it inside, it stays there inside,” he said. “When we share it with others, the treasure multiplies itself, for that treasure is for others…Because of sharing, you receive from others and it multiplies.” He also told them to “try, [and] stay calm” when they encounter difficulty, and to “not be afraid”, because “we can overcome anything.”   Pope Francis also admitted some of his own troubles, and said he is a “disaster with machines”, saying he did not know how to work a computer, adding “What a shame.” (from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis sends Message to US National Prayer Breakfast

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has sent a Message to the annual National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC, which was attended by US President Barack Obama, lawmakers from both parties, and thousands of guests.
A portion of the Message was read during the event, which has taken place since 1953.
“Dear friends, I send prayerful good wishes for you, for the fruitfulness of your work,” reads the message.
I ask you to pray for me, and to join me in praying for our brothers and sisters throughout the world who experience persecution and death for their faith,” continues Pope Francis.
“Upon you, your families, and those whom you serve, I cordially invoke God’s blessings of wisdom, joy, and peace.”
The full contents of the text was scheduled to be read at the lunch portion of the event.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis meets President of Kiribati

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Thursday received the President of the Republic of Kiribati, Mr. Anote Tong, who subsequently met with the Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, accompanied by Archbishop Paul R. Gallagher, secretary for Relations with States.
Kiribati is an island nation in the central Pacific Ocean with a population of about 100,000 people.
The Holy See Press Office issued a statement calling the talks between Pope Francis and President Tong “cordial”, and said emphasis was placed on the importance of the protection of the environment and on matters of climate change, which has worrying negative effects on the country, as in other Pacific States. In this regard, the hope was expressed that, on the occasion of the COP-21 to be held in Paris next December, the international Community may adopt concerted and effective measures to face this challenge.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope: Church must rid itself of the scourge of child sexual abuse

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has sent a letter to the Presidents of Episcopal Conferences and Superiors of Institutes of Consecrated Life  and Societies of Apostolic Life  to ask for their complete co-operation with the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, in order to insure that everything possible is done to rid the Church of “the scourge” of the sexual abuse of children
Listen to Lydia O’Kane’s report

Below is the English language translation of the Pope’s letter
Last March I established the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, which had first been announced in December 2013, for the purpose of offering proposals and initiatives meant to improve the norms and procedures for protecting children and vulnerable adults.  I then appointed to the Commission a number of highly qualified persons well-known for their work in this field.
At my meeting in July with persons who had suffered sexual abuse by priests, I was deeply moved by their witness to the depth of their sufferings and the strength of their faith.  This experience reaffirmed my conviction that everything possible must be done to rid the Church of the scourge of the sexual abuse of minors and to open pathways of reconciliation and healing for those who were abused.   
For this reason, last December I added new members to the Commission, in order to represent the Particular Churches throughout the world.  In just a few days, all the members will meet in Rome for the first time.
In light of the above, I believe that the Commission can be a new, important and effective means for helping me to encourage and advance the commitment of the Church at every level – Episcopal Conferences, Dioceses, Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, and others – to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure the protection of minors and vulnerable adults, and to respond to their needs with fairness and mercy.
Families need to know that the Church is making every effort to protect their children.  They should also know that they have every right to turn to the Church with full confidence, for it is a safe and secure home.  Consequently, priority must not be given to any other kind of concern, whatever its nature, such as the desire to avoid scandal, since there is absolutely no place in ministry for those who abuse minors.
Every effort must also be made to ensure that the provisions of the Circular Letter of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith dated 3 May 2011 are fully implemented.  This document was issued to assist Episcopal Conferences in drawing up guidelines for handling cases of sexual abuse of minors by clerics.  It is likewise important that Episcopal Conferences establish a practical means for periodically reviewing their norms and verifying that they are being observed.
It is the responsibility of Diocesan Bishops and Major Superiors to ascertain that the safety of minors and vulnerable adults is assured in parishes and other Church institutions.  As an expression of the Church’s duty to express the compassion of Jesus towards those who have suffered abuse and towards their families, the various Dioceses, Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life are urged to identify programmes for pastoral care which include provisions for psychological assistance and spiritual care.  Pastors and those in charge of religious communities should be available to meet with victims and their loved ones; such meetings are valuable opportunities for listening to those have greatly suffered and for asking their forgiveness.
For all of these reasons, I now ask for your close and complete cooperation with the Commission for the Protection of Minors.  The work I have entrusted to them includes providing assistance to you and your Conferences through an exchange of best practices and through programmes of education, training, and developing adequate responses to sexual abuse.
May the Lord Jesus instil in each of us, as ministers of the Church, the same love and affection for the little ones which characterized his own presence among us, and which in turn enjoins on us a particular responsibility for the welfare of children and vulnerable adults.  May Mary Most Holy, Mother of tenderness and mercy, help us to carry out, generously and thoroughly, our duty to humbly acknowledge and repair past injustices and to remain ever faithful in the work of protecting those closest to the heart of Jesus.
From the Vatican, 2 February 2015
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
(from Vatican Radio)…