400 South Adams Ave. Rayne, La 70578



President Woodrow Wilson famously said, “If I’m to speak for 10 minutes, I need a week for preparation, if 15 minutes, three days, if half an hour, two days, if an hour, I am ready now.”
Jesus was ready too. Today’s Gospel story begins the Passion of Our Lord with the words: “When the hour arrived…” Jesus is ready to face his final hours in the city that will soon devour him. He begins his final redeeming act that continues to speak for all eternity. God’s centuries-old preparations come to fruition. For Jesus, his three years of ministry sharpen into themoment when he takes his place at the supper table and becomes the sacrifice for all future generations. Ready or not, we enter with him into the journey to Golgotha.
Deacon Dick Folger