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Month: December 2014

Pope Francis: Rigidity is a sign of a weak heart

(Vatican Radio) The day’s Gospel reading, which relates how the chief priests asked Jesus by what authority He did His works, was the focus of the Pope’s homily on Monday. It is a demand, the Pope explained, that demonstrates the “hypocritical heart” of those people – people who were not interested in the truth, who…
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Cardinal Peter Turkson on solidarity visit to Sierra Leone and Liberia

His Eminence Cardinal Peter Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, will depart for Sierra Leone on 16 December and then proceed to Liberia on 18 December. “These are two of the three countries most affected by Ebola Virus Disease. In total the World Health Organization reports some 18,000 confirmed, probable or suspected cases, and more than 6,500 deaths resulting from this disease.” The Cardinal hopes to bring “a message of solidarity and hope to the Church, health workers and the general populations.”
Cardinal Turkson will be accompanied by Monsignor Robert J. Vitillo, Special Advisor on Health for Caritas Internationalis. “The Church, including Caritas, religious congregations, and other organizations of Catholic inspiration have been in the ‘front lines’ of the Ebola response,” said Vitillo. “In addition to providing health care for other illnesses and establishing strict infection control procedures and screening areas in order to prevent transmission of the virus in the health care setting, the Church has mobilized a community response and community education in order to engage clergy and local parish groups in efforts to stop the spread of this deadly virus.”
The Cardinal observed that the impact of this epidemic goes far beyond the health sector. “The closing of businesses and other places of employment has raised havoc with an already fragile economy. Experts tell us that the social costs are very serious; because the schools are closed, teenage pregnancies are on the increase, as well as petty crimes, as young people wander the streets with no productive activity. Ebola orphans often are rejected by their extended family members even when they have been confirmed as ‘Ebola free’.”
Cardinal Turkson also recognized “the need to help priests and other pastoral care workers attend to the spiritual needs of those living with the infection and of their loved ones. We must treat the whole person not just their bodies. Even though there is a ‘no touch’ policy in these countries, it is possible for pastoral care workers to pray with from a safe distance, to counsel them, to bless them, and to officiate at their funeral rites, which must be coordinated by specialized burial teams.”
“On several occasions,” Turkson concluded, “the Holy Father has expressed his deep concern for the people living with and affected by Ebola. I hope to give expression to the solidarity of the Pope and the entire Church.”
During his General Audience on 24 October 2014, Pope Francis said, “In the face of the worsening Ebola epidemic, I would like to express my deep concern about this relentless disease that is spreading on the African continent, especially among the more disadvantaged groups. I am close with love and prayer to those stricken, as well as to the doctors, nurses, volunteers, religious institutes and associations, who are working heroically to help our sick brothers and sisters. I renew my appeal that the International Community exert all necessary effort to weaken this virus, effectively alleviating the hardship and suffering of all those so sorely tried. I invite you to pray for them and for those who have lost their lives.”[1]
[1] Pope Francis during the General Audience, 29 October 2014
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope celebrates Mass for Gaudete Sunday at Roman parish

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis on a Sunday visited the Roman parish of San Giuseppe all’Aurelio, in the suburb of Monte Spaccato. The Holy Father arrived early for the visit, and immediately met with some of the children of the parish, who help up banners wishing the Pope a happy birthday, since he turns 78 on Wednesday.
During the encounter, he spoke about his own experiences with Jesus as a child. He also spoke about his own First Communion 70 years ago.
After meeting with the children, Pope Francis had the opportunity to meet with members of the Roma community, as well as members of the parish who are sick, and with families who had children who were baptized within the last year, mentioning to them that he himself had been baptized on Christmas Day in 1936. The Pope then heard the Confessions of several members of the community.
Pope Francis concluded his visit to the parish with the celebration of Holy Mass for the Third Sunday of Advent.
During his homily, the Holy Father said that Gaudete Sunday is known as the “Sunday of joy,” and said that instead of fretting about “all they still haven’t” done to prepare for Christmas, people should “think of all the good things life has given you.”
Pope Francis said it “hurts to see Christians with a bitter face, restless with bitterness because they are not at peace,” adding that “saints have the face of joy,” and noting that no one has ever seen a  saint with “a sad face.”
He said that Christian joy comes from prayer, and from giving thanks to God, and is a serene peace, which exists even in times of suffering.
The Pope then reminded the congregation Jesus wishes us to bring this joy, these “glad tidings,” to the poor: those with spiritual and material needs, the many people who are anxious about family problems.
“Bring them peace,” Pope Francis said. “Bring the anointing of Jesus, the oil of Jesus, which does so much good, and consoles the soul.”
At the end of Mass, Pope Francis returned to this theme.
“Do not forget joy,” he said before leaving the church. “Give thanks to God, and bring help to those in need.”
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope celebrates Mass for Gaudete Sunday at Roman parish

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Sunday visited the Roman parish of San Giuseppe all’Aurelio, in the suburb of Monte Spaccato. The Holy Father arrived early for the visit, and immediately met with some of the children of the parish. During the encounter, he spoke about his own experiences with Jesus as a child. He also…
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Pope celebrates Mass for Gaudete Sunday at Roman parish

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Sunday visited the Roman parish of San Giuseppe all’Aurelio, in the suburb of Monte Spaccato. The Holy Father arrived early for the visit, and immediately met with some of the children of the parish. During the encounter, he spoke about his own experiences with Jesus as a child. He also…
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