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Month: December 2014

Pope Audience: The true Synod

(Vatican Radio) Following a series of reflections concentrating on the Church, Pope Francis at his weekly General Audience in St Peter’s Square on Wednesday opened a new Chapter, a weekly catechesis focusing on the Family. He began this new cycle by recalling the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family which took place in October.…
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Secretariat publishes ‘Lineamenta’ for next Synod on Family

(Vatican Radio) In preparation for the General Synod of Bishops on the family, set for October 4th to 25th 2015, the Synod Secretariat on Tuesday announced the publication of its preparatory document, known by its Latin name, the ‘ Lineamenta ’.  Philippa Hitchen reports…

While Pope Francis made clear, at the conclusion of last October’s Extraordinary Synod on the family, that the final report, or ‘ Relatio ’, from the two week encounter would serve as the preliminary document for next October’s Synod, the Secretariat said it has also drawn up a series of questions to accompany that ‘ Relatio ’.
These two parts of the ‘ Lineamenta ’ have been sent, in the original Italian, to bishops conferences, the Synods of Eastern Catholic Churches, the Union of Religious Superiors and the dicasteries of the Roman Curia. Over the coming days they will be translated into other languages, in order that they can be shared as widely as possible for consultation with all those people and organisations concerned with the pastoral care of families. All the results of such consultation must be returned to the Synod Secretariat by April 15th so that the working guidelines, known as the ‘Instrumentum laboris ’, can be published before next summer.
The wide-ranging questions ask for reflections on all aspects of the promotion of authentic family values, the training of clergy in family ministry, the way the Church can be more present among those living far away from the Christian faith and the care of families that are wounded and fragile, including those who are divorced and remarried or seeking to care for homosexual members.
The note from the Synod Secretariat also suggests that those preparing for next year’s event should accompany this consultation with opportune moments of prayer and celebration around the theme of the family. In particular it points to the feast of the Holy Family on December 28th, as well as the Pope’s prayer for the Synod on the Family which can be found at the following link http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/it 
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope sends condolences to family of desceased Cardinal Mejìa

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has expressed his grief for the death of Cardinal Jorge Maria Mejìa who died, aged 91, on Monday night.
In a telegramme of condolences addressed to the Cardinal’s brother, Alejandro Jaime Mejìa, the Pope says he is praying for the deceased, to whom he was bound by many years of friendship.
Cardinal Mejìa, who was Archivist Emeritus of the Vatican Secret Archives, died after a long illness. Pope Francis had visited him in hospital on the past November 16.
His funeral will be celebrated  on Thursday, December 11 at 11.30 in St. Peter’s Basilica.
Please find below Vatican Radio’s translation of the Pope’s telegramme:
Grieved for the death of your brother, the dear Cardinal Jorge Maria, Archivist and Librarian Emeritus of the Vatican, who for many years served with faithfulness and professional zeal in different offices of the Roman Curia, I wish to convey to you my most heartfelt condolences. I assure you of my prayers of suffrage for him, to whom I was bound by a long-standing friendship, so that the Lord may concede peace to he who gave of himself in such a generous way to the Church.     
With faith in the Pasqual mystery of the Risen Lord, who lights our way and fills us with hope, and the memory of a faithful shepherd dedicated to the mission of evangelization, I ask for divine consolation in these moments of sorrow, for yourself and for your dear ones who are grieving.
I impart my apostolic Blessing.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope sends condolonces to family of desceased Cardinal Mejìa

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has expressed his grief for the death of Cardinal Jorge Maria Mejìa who died, aged 91, on Monday night.
In a telegramme of condolences addressed to the Cardinal’s brother, Alejandro Jaime Mejìa, the Pope says he is praying for the deceased, to whom he was bound by many years of friendship.
Cardinal Mejìa, who was Archivist Emeritus of the Vatican Secret Archives, died after a long illness. Pope Francis had visited him in hospital on the past November 16.
His funeral will be celebrated  on Thursday, December 11 at 11.30 in St. Peter’s Basilica.
Please find below Vatican Radio’s translation of the Pope’s telegramme:
Grieved for the death of your brother, the dear Cardinal Jorge Maria, Archivist and Librarian Emeritus of the Vatican, who for many years served with faithfulness and professional zeal in different offices of the Roman Curia, I wish to convey to you my most heartfelt condolences. I assure you of my prayers of suffrage for him, to whom I was bound by a long-standing friendship, so that the Lord may concede peace to he who gave of himself in such a generous way to the Church.     
With faith in the Pasqual mystery of the Risen Lord, who lights our way and fills us with hope, and the memory of a faithful shepherd dedicated to the mission of evangelization, I ask for divine consolation in these moments of sorrow, for yourself and for your dear ones who are grieving.
I impart my apostolic Blessing.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope sends condolonces to family of desceased Cardinal Mejìa

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has expressed his grief for the death of Cardinal Jorge Maria Mejìa who died, aged 91, on Monday night. In a telegramme of condolences addressed to the Cardinal’s brother, Alejandro Jaime Mejìa, the Pope says he is praying for the deceased, to whom he was bound by many years of friendship.…
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