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Month: March 2015

Pope Francis sends condolences to families of plane crash victims

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has expressed his closeness to the families of the victims of a plane crash in the French Alps. In a telegram released on Tuesday, the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin writes that the Holy Father “joins in the grief of the families” of the victims, which include many children. …
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Romero remembered as voice for victims of human rights violations

(Vatican Radio) March 24th is recognized as an international day for the victims of human rights violations, in honour of the Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero who was murdered while saying Mass on this day in 1980.  He was shot dead by hired assassins because he had become an increasingly outspoken opponent of the El Salvador’s government and military leadership, making public each week a list of the victims of the civil war.
Across Latin America Romero has long been revered by many as ‘the voice of voiceless’, an inspirational figure for all who struggle to uphold the gospel values of human dignity, justice and peace. In February this year Pope Francis approved a decree saying that Romero had been killed out of “hatred for his faith”, paving the way for his beatification which is scheduled to take place in San Salvador on May 23rd.
Among those who’ve been personally inspired by Romero’s dedication to the poorest and most vulnerable is the former director of the English Catholic aid agency CAFOD, Julian Filochowsky, who also heads the London based Romero Trust.
Listen to Philippa Hitchen’s report: 

(from Vatican Radio)…

Romero remembered as voice for victims of human rights violations

(Vatican Radio) March 24th is recognized as an international day for the victims of human rights violations, in honour of the Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero who was murdered while saying Mass on this day in 1980.  He was shot dead by hired assassins because he had become an increasingly outspoken opponent of the El Salvador’s…
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Doors open to the Vatican Museums for 150 homeless people

A special visit to the
Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel for some 150 homeless people has been organized by the Office of Papal
Charities. Led by Archbishop Konrad Krajewski, on Thursday, 26 March, the poor,
who usually see only the steps outside the colonnade of St Peter’s Square, will
also have a chance to enjoy the
Vatican’s artistic patrimony. The visit is scheduled for the early afternoon: these guests will enter the Vatican through the
Petriano entrance where they will be divided into three groups, each one will
be entrusted to a guide. Before entering the Museums these groups will enjoy a
privileged tour inside Vatican City State, passing the Domus Sanctae
Marthae, behind St Peter’s Basilica, through the piazzale della Zecca, the main path of the Gardens and the Cancello di Gregogio….

Doors open to the Vatican Museums for 150 homeless people

A special visit to the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel for some 150 homeless people has been organized by the Office of Papal Charities. Led by Archbishop Konrad Krajewski, on Thursday, 26 March, the poor, who usually see only the steps outside the colonnade of St Peter’s Square, will also have a chance to…
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