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Month: June 2015

Pope: marriage between man and woman, no to gender ideology

(Vatican Radio)  The challenges facing the Church in Puerto Rico were under the spotlight in the Vatican on Monday as Pope Francis met with the bishops of the Caribbean archipelago. Among the difficulties facing people there, the Pope mentioned the serious economic situation leading to widespread migration, unemployment, corruption, drugs trafficking and domestic violence. Stressing…
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Eastern Church leaders in Prague discuss Family, Ukraine, discrimination against Church

(Vatican Radio)  Eastern Catholic Church leaders of Europe meeting in Prague say the Family must be a priority in the pastoral work of their respective churches and are expressing their concern over the situation in Ukraine and what they see as borderline “discrimination” against the Church in South-East Europe.
More than 40 Eastern Catholic bishops in Europe participated in their annual  meeting 4-7 June in the Czech capital and Břevnov, looking ahead to the Synod on the Family later this year.  In a final communique, they expressed their commitment to providing “evermore careful preparation for the sacrament of matrimony” where couples are open to life. They also committed themselves to spiritually accompanying and guiding families.
They expressed the hope that, “in times of great vulnerability and major moral, economic and social crisis,”  governments will “become more aware of the important role of the social and educative cohesion of the family” and will “legislate on its behalf, on work and on migration.”
Ukraine: “international misinformation” seeks to undermine Christian unity
With regard to Ukraine where they observed “the on-going situation of external aggression in the east of the country,”  the Church leaders expressed their solidarity with people of Ukraine, and “above all the Greek Catholics.”  They exhorted them “to pursue the path of dialogue and unity between the country’s Christian churches which a particular attitude of misinformation – especially at the international level – aims to undermine.”
The Catholic Church leaders affirmed that “at this dramatic moment in the country’s history,” all the churches are committed to rebuilding the difficult path of social cohesion firstly through conversion, “the only weapon in the face of those who think of corruption as the only controlling principle of society.” 
Hunger and poverty do not take holidays
Describing the situation in Ukraine as “the greatest humanitarian disaster since the fall of the totalitarian regime,” the communique  said the Major Archbishop of Kiev, His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk thanked the bishops for their prayers and spiritual closeness and recalled the generosity of the local Caritas organizations.  He called for greater solidarity from the international community, saying hunger and poverty do not take holidays!
Catholic Church in South-East Europe faces “borderline discrimination”
The Eastern Church leaders expressed particular concern about what they described as a “too ‘discretionary’ attitude – bordering on discrimination – of numerous local administrations which seem to want to attack the Catholic Church under the administrative, economic and financial profile.”
They noted various attempts to “discredit the Church” over its financial transparency while recognizing the need for national and local churches to work for ever greater transparency in financial management and to adhere to management models in force in their respective countries. They called for the impartiality of the justice system.
The next meeting of the Eastern rite Church leaders of Europe will take place in Fatima, Portugal in October 2016.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Eastern Church leaders in Prague discuss Family, Ukraine, discrimination against Church

(Vatican Radio)  Eastern Catholic Church leaders of Europe meeting in Prague say the Family must be a priority in the pastoral work of their respective churches and are expressing their concern over the situation in Ukraine and what they see as borderline “discrimination” against the Church in South-East Europe. More than 40 Eastern Catholic bishops…
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During his return flight the Pontiff denounced the hypocrisy of those who call for peace and foment war – Words are not enough

During the flight to
Rome, Pope Francis met with journalists in a press conference. Fr Federico
Lombardi introduced the meeting and journalists followed with their questions.
The following is the Englist text of the transcription of the meeting. [Silvije Tomašević]
Good evening, Your Holiness. As one
might expect, many Croats came as pilgrims to Sarajevo, and want to know if Your
Holiness is coming to Croatia… But since we are in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
there is also great interest concerning a declaration on the phenomenon of
Medjugorje… In regard to the issue
of Medjugorje, Pope Benedict XVI at the time convened a committee presided over
by Cardinal Camillo Ruini; there were other Cardinals, theologians and
specialists on the committee as well.
They did an investigation and Cardinal Ruini came to me and gave me the
study they did, after many years of labour, I don’t know, maybe three of four
years, more or less. They did a fine job, a fine job indeed. Cardinal Müller (Prefect of the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith) told me that he would be having a feria
quarta (a meeting dedicated to this specific question) at the right time; I
think it was done on the last Wednesday of the month. But I am not sure… We are close to coming to
a decision. And then the results will be
communicated. For the moment, all that
is being done is to give guidelines to the bishops, but along the lines that
will be taken. Thank you! [Silvije Tomašević] And
your visit to Croatia? A visit to
Croatia? I don’t know when that will
be. But I remember that you mentioned to
me when I went to Albania: “The first European country you are visiting does
not belong to the European Community”, to which I replied, “It is a sign. I wish the first countries that I visit in
Europe, be the smallest countries, and the Balkans are martyred countries, they
have suffered so much!” They have
suffered much. And thus my preference
lies here. Thank you. [Anna Chiara Valle] You
spoke of those who deliberately stir up an atmosphere of war, and then you said
to the young people that there are those world leaders who speak openly of
peace while selling weapons under the table.
Would you like to explain this concept a little more… Sure: there’s always
hypocrisy! Thus I said that it is not
enough just to talk about peace, one must also work for peace! And the one who only talks about peace but
doesn’t work for it is contradicts himself; and the one who speaks of peace
while promoting war, for example, through the selling of weapon, is a
hypocrite. It’s that simple… [Katia Lopez] Holy Father, during your last meeting, with
the youth, you spoke in great detail about the need to pay careful attention to
what they read, to what they watch: you did not mention explicitly the word
“pornography”, but you did refer to “evil fantasy”. Could you explain somewhat the concept of the
waste of time… There are two different
things here: the medium and the content.
Concerning the medium, there is one thing that hurts the soul and that
is, to be too attached to computers. Too
attached to the computer! This damages
the soul and takes away freedom: it makes you a slave of the computer. It’s curious: many mothers and fathers tell
me that, in their families, they are together at the dining table with their
children but the children have their telephones and are in another world. It’s true that the virtual language is a
reality and we cannot ignore it; but we must direct it in the right way,
because it does represent human progress.
But when this leads us away from a common life, from family life, from
social life, and also from sports, from the arts, and we are glued to our computer…
this is a psychological illness. I am
sure of it! Secondly, the question of
content. Yes, there are dirty things,
from various degrees of pornography, to empty and valueless shows, such as
relativistic, hedonistic, consumerist ones, which foment these things. We know that consumerism is a cancer on
society, that relativism is a cancer on society. I will speak about this in the forthcoming
encyclical, to be published this month.
I don’t know if I have answered your question. I used the word “filth” in a general way, but
we all know this. There are parents who
are so concerned that they do not allow their children to have computers in
their room; the computers must be in a common area of the house. These are small ways that help parents to
avoid precisely this problem. The Pontiff then added: Thank you for your
work, for all your efforts on this visit…
Thank you very much for all you do, thank you! And pray for me. Thank you. Responding to a
question from Caroline Pigozzi on the possibility of a visit in France, the
Pope said: Yes, yes, I have it in
mind to go to France. I promised as much
to the Bishops….

At the Angelus the Pope recalls his visit to Sarajevo and urges reconciliation – A possible path

“The Eucharist, source
of love for the life of the Church, is the school of charity and solidarity”.
Pope Francis said this at the Angelus on Sunday, 7 June, in St Peter’s Square,
recalling the celebration of the Solemnity of Corpus Domini. This celebration,
the Pope said, pushes us to welcome the invitation to conversion and service,
to love and to forgiveness. “It urges us to become, with our life, imitators of
that which we celebrate in the Liturgy. The Christ, who nourishes us under the
consecrated species of bread and wine, is the same One who comes to us in the
everyday happenings; He is in the poor one who extends a hand, is in the
suffering one who begs for help, is in the brother or sister who asks for our
availability and awaits our welcome. He is in the child who knows nothing about
Jesus, about salvation, who does not have faith. He is in every human being,
even the smallest and the defenceless”. The Holy Father also
spoke about his visit in Sarajevo and recalled that this Friday is the
Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus as well as World Day Against Child
Labour. “Many children in the world,” he said, do not have the freedom to play,
to go to school, and end up being exploited as labourers. I hope for the
international community’s earnest and constant commitment to the promotion of
the active recognition of the rights of the child”. The Pope’s words in Italian at the Angelus …