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Pope at audience: learn to see Christ in poor and outcast

Pope at audience: learn to see Christ in poor and outcast

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis welcomed a group of refugees to join him on the steps of St Peter’s Basilica as he held his weekly general audience on Wednesday. After greeting the thousands of pilgrims and visitors gathered in the summer sunshine, the Pope focused his reflections on the Gospel story of the leper who was healed by Jesus as a sign of God’s mercy and forgiveness.

Philippa Hitchen reports: 

In Jesus’ day, lepers were considered unclean and outcasts, from the temple and from society, yet the man who begs him to be made clean is not afraid to break the law and come into the city. Pope Francis noted that Jesus also breaks the law by touching the leper to heal him, teaching us not to be afraid to reach out and touch the poor and needy in our midst.

The man’s simple words, “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean”, show that we don’t need long speeches, the Pope said, but only a few words and strong faith in the Lord’s goodness and mercy. Pope Francis revealed that he himself prays those same simple words at bedtime every night, urging his listeners to do the same.

Jesus is profoundly touched by the man as he stretches out his hand to him, the Pope said, and we must learn to reach out and touch those most in need. It is not enough to be generous with our money but we must learn to see Christ himself in the poor and outcast. Noting the refugees who were sitting alongside him, Pope Francis said many people think they should have stayed at home yet they were suffering so much there. Please, he begged, they are our brothers and as Christians, we must not exclude anyone!

After healing the leper, Jesus tells him to show himself to the priest and make an offering as a proof of his purification. The Pope said this attitude shows that we should not seek sensationalism but that we too should bear witness to the healing power of Jesus.

The Lord invites each of us to think honestly about our own needs, he said and to ask for his healing touch.  Like the leper, may we turn to Jesus in faith and let our lives bear witness to his gifts of mercy, forgiveness and spiritual rebirth.

(from Vatican Radio)

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