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Pope confirms decrees for causes of Saints

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Thursday received in audience Cardinal Angelo Amato, S.D.B., Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, authorizing the congregation to promulgate the decrees regarding:
– A miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Faustino Miguez, professed priest of the Order of Poor Clerks Regular of the Mother of God of the Pious Schools (Piarists), founder of the Congregation of the Sisters Calasation Daughters of the Divine Shepherdess; born March 24, 1831 and died on 8 March 1925;
– A miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God Leopoldina Naudet, foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family; born May 31, 1773, and died August 17, 1834;
– The martyrdom of the Servants of God Matthew Casals, professed priest, Theophilus Casajus, Scholastic professed Ferdinand Saperas, professed brother, and 106 companions of the Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary; killed in hatred of the faith during the civil war in Spain between 1936 and 1937;
– The heroic virtues of Servant of God Giovanni Battista Fouque, diocesan priest; born September 12, 1851 and died December 5, 1926;
– The heroic virtues of Servant of God the Holy Spirit Lorenzo (nee Egidio Marcelli), professed religious of the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ; born August 30, 1874 and died October 14, 1953;
– The heroic virtues of Servant of God Maria Raffaella of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (nee Sebastiana Lladó y Sala), foundress of the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary; born January 2, 1814 and died on March 8, 1899;
– The heroic virtues of the Servant of God Clelia Merloni, Foundress of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; born March 10, 1861 and died November 21, 1930;
– The heroic virtues of Servant of God Isidoro Ledesma, Layman, of the Personal Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei; born September 13, 1902 and died July 15, 1943.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope: ‘open your hearts to the good news of Christmas’

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Wednesday urged the faithful to open their hearts to the Good News of the Saviour’s birth.
The Pope was addressing the pilgrims gathered in the Vatican Paul VI Hall for the weekly General Audience .
His catechesis on Christian hope focused on these last days of Advent and on how we prepare to receive the message embodied in the nativity.
Reflecting on the fact that a catechesis focusing on Christian hope is more than appropriate during the time of Advent, Pope Francis recalled the words of the prophet Isaiah, “the Lord himself will give you a sign: the young woman, pregnant and about to bear a son, shall name him Emmanuel” and also “a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom.”
He said that the sense of Christmas transpires in both of these verses: “God fulfills his promise by coming in the flesh, (…) and He gives his people a new hope for humanity: eternal life”.
The Pope said this hope is realistic and reliable, it is a hope that redeems and saves, for Christ, by coming in the flesh, has opened the way for us to ascend to the Father.
He also said it is especially visible in these days preceding Christmas.
“When we prepare the Christmas crib in our homes and churches, he said, let us be attentive to the message of hope it embodies”. 
And with our gaze on the nativity scene that takes us to the little town of Bethlehem, the Pope said we can see revealed God’s love for each of us, however small or lowly.
We see it in Mary, who trusted in God’s word: “She is the Mother of Hope”.
Next to Mary is Joseph. He too, the Pope said, is the man of hope, who gave Jesus his name, which means “God saves”.  
In the crib, he continued, we see the joy of the shepherds who represent the humble and the poor who were awaiting the Messiah  
They were the ones, he said, to receive with joy the peace proclaimed by the angels.
“Dear brothers and sisters: every time we say ‘yes’ to Jesus a bud blossoms into hope.  May we trust in this bud of hope” and open our hearts to the Good News of the birth of Jesus who came to save us”.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Audience: Pope presented with Nativity scene made of bread

(Vatican Radio) During his last General Audience before Christmas, Pope Francis on Wednesday met with a delegation of Roman bakers. To mark the occasion they gave the Pope a sculpture of bread in the shape of a crib made by master baker Fabio Albanesi.
The edible work was presented by Mr Albanesi and the coordinator of the bakers of Rome, Giancarlo Giambarresi.
Speaking about the meeting and the gift, the National President of the Association of Bakers, Davide Trombini said, “it is a very significant event for the bakers of Rome in an important moment in the life of the city and the country which is facing many issues related to ongoing economic difficulties and coexistence: with this initiative the bakers want to affirm the importance of welcome and solidarity towards others which is the most important message that comes to us from the impending celebration of Christmas.”
In June this year the Association distributed bread to the pilgrims in St Peter’s Square as part of the Jubilee of Mercy celebrations.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope calls on the people of DRC to be artisans of peace

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has appealed to all people of the Democratic Republic of Congo to be artisans of reconciliation and peace. 
The Pope’s heartfelt appeal came at the end of his weekly General Audience in the Paul VI Hall.
Remarking on the fact that he has recently met with the President and Vice President of the Bishops’ Conference of the DRC, Francis said “I renew my heartfelt appeal to all Congolese so that in this delicate moment of their history, may they be artisans of reconciliation and peace”.
“May those, the Pope continued,  who are in positions of political responsibility listen to the voice of their conscience, learn to see the cruel sufferings of their fellow citizens and have at heart the common good”.
The Pope assured the beloved people of  DRC of his support and love, and he invited them to let themselves be guided by the light of the Redeemer of the world.
“I pray that the birth of the Lord may open paths of hope” he said.
The Pope’s appeal came as post-election violence flares in the DRC. 
UN officials say over 20 people have been killed in rencent hours in clashes between protesters and security forces in the capital, Kinshasa, over President Joseph Kabila’s failure to give up power.
Kabila’s 15-year rule was due to have ended on Monday at midnight, but has been extended to 2018. The President’s main rival said the refusal to give up power amounted to a coup.
The electoral commission cancelled elections that were scheduled for last month, citing logistical and financial difficulties in organising them.
Kabila has now formed a 74-member transitional government to lead the vast central African state until elections are held in 2018.
(from Vatican Radio)…

General Audience: English Summary

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Wednesday urged the faithful to open their hearts to the Good News of the Saviour’s birth. The Pope was addressing the pilgrims gathered in the Vatican Paul VI Hall for the weekly General Audience . His catechesis on Christian hope focused on these last days of Advent and on how we prepare to receive the message embodied in the nativity. Please find below the official English summary of the Pope’s catechesis :    Dear Brothers and Sisters:  Our catechesis on Christian hope leads us in these last days of Advent to contemplate the mystery of Christmas as the coming of hope into our world.  By fulfilling his promises and sending his Son, born of the Virgin Mary, God established his Kingdom on this earth and directed our hope to eternal life.  This hope is realistic and reliable; it is a hope that redeems and saves, for Christ, by coming in the flesh, has opened the way for us to ascend to the Father.  In these days, as we prepare the Christmas crib in our homes and churches, let us be attentive to the message of hope it embodies.  In the little town of Bethlehem we see revealed God’s love for each of us, however small or lowly.  In Mary, who trusted in God’s word, we see the Mother of Hope.  Joseph, too, is the man of hope, who gave Jesus his name, which means “God saves”.  The peace proclaimed by the angels was heard with joy by the shepherds.  May we too open our hearts to the Good News of the Saviour’s birth and renew our hope in the Kingdom of justice, peace and holiness that he came to bring. (from Vatican Radio)…