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Pope Francis: ecumenical prayer with Patriarch Bartholomew

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis participated in an ecumenical prayer service on Saturday evening with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I. Below, please find the full text of Pope Francis’ remarks on the occasion. ****************************************** Your Holiness, my dear Brother, Each evening brings a mixed feeling of gratitude for the day which is ending and…
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In Istanbul: small steps towards ecumenical and interfaith progress

(Vatican Radio) On Friday November 28, Pope Francis touched town in Istanbul on the second day of his Apostolic visit to Turkey where he was greeted by the Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew. Philippa Hitchen is accompanying the pope on this journey and filed this report on Friday’s events. Listen: 

Pope Francis began his day in Istanbul’s famous Blue Mosque, slipping off his shoes and spending several minutes in silent prayer, his head bowed in the direction of Mecca. It was the same gesture of respect and adoration of the All-Merciful God that Pope Benedict XVI had made exactly eight years ago, but the atmosphere on this occasion was more relaxed and friendly, as the Grand Mufti explained to his guest about the Koranic verses illustrated on the huge stones pillars and the lofty tiled dome.  The next stop on the agenda was a tour of the nearby Hagia Sophia, once the most impressive Byzantine basilica in the world, turned into a mosque after the fall of Constantinople in the mid-15th century and then transformed into a museum when Ataturk founded the modern Turkish state. To gaze up at the ancient gilded mosaic of the Virgin and Child, in between giant black and gold medallions bearing the names of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad is a moving reminder of those past centuries of  war and conquest, as well as the modern day conflicts exploiting interreligious tensions to threaten the lives of so many people throughout the neighbouring Middle East region. In the afternoon, the Pope celebrated the only public Mass of his three day visit in Istanbul’s Latin Catholic cathedral dedicated to the Holy Spirit, where his predecessors, from Archbishop Angelo Roncalli to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI have also come to worship and to encourage this ancient yet fast dwindling flock. Eager crowds of flag waving, chanting faithful greeted the smiling Pope as he stopped to release two white doves and chat to those gathered in the small courtyard beneath a statue of Pope Benedict XV, that tireless prophet of peace at the time of the First World War. The liturgy reflected the diversity of this tiny Catholic community with ancient chants in Armenian, Chaldean, Syriac, Latin and Turkish, as well as an African hymn sung by some of the more recent immigrants to this country. Surrounded by Patriarch Bartholomew and leaders of all the other Christian communities here, Pope Francis gave a beautiful reflection on the Spirit who creates unity among believers. When we let the Spirit unsettle us to move us out of our comfort zones, turning instead to our brothers and sisters “with that tenderness which warms the heart”, then the Pope said, we have been touched by the Holy Spirit. At the end of his action packed day the Pope and the Ecumenical Patriarch celebrated Vespers in the Patriarchal church of St George, during which the Holy Father again bowed his head to receive a blessing from the Orthodox leader, with whom he has struck up a remarkably strong friendship. Don’t forget it was the Patriarch who took the unprecedented step of coming to Rome for the inauguration of Francis’ ministry to invite him to Turkey to celebrate the feast of St Andrew on Sunday November 30th. Surrounded by black clad bishops from different parts of the Greek Orthodox world, the Pope spoke of the promise of true peace which Jesus made to his first disciples. Just as the brothers Peter and Andrew were transformed by that promise, Pope Francis said, so today the successors of Peter and Andrew have the grace and the responsibility to walk together as brothers in the hope of the Risen Lord. The Patriarch described the Pope’s visit as “an historical event filled with favourable signs for the future” and on both the ecumenical and interfaith front, I have no doubt that this visit to Turkey will indeed be another significant step on the road towards overcoming past divisions and forging new partnerships between all those who put their trust in God. (from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis celebrates Divine Liturgy with Ecumenical Patriarch

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew are celebrating the Divine Liturgy on the Feast of St. Andrew at the Church of St. George at the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.  Sunday is the third and last day of Pope Francis’ apostolic visit to Turkey.  Upon conclusion of the Liturgy, the two Church leaders are expected to sign a Joint Declaration.  This will be followed by lunch at the Patriarchate.  In the early afternoon, before leaving Istanbul at 5pm local time, Pope Francis will meet students of the Salesian Oratory. 
Pope Francis began the day Sunday with a private mass at the papal nunciature in Istanbul.  Following Mass, he met the Great Rabbi of Turkey, Isak Haleva, head of the 25,000 strong Jewish community in the predominantly Muslim country.  Rabbi Haleva previously had met Pope Benedict XVI in Istanbul, during the former pontiff’s pastoral visit to Turkey on 30 November 2006.  
(from Vatican Radio)…

Pope Francis attends Divine Liturgy with Ecumenical Patriarch

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has attended the Divine Liturgy celebrated by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I on the Feast of St. Andrew at the Church of St. George at the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Sunday is the third and last day of Pope Francis’ apostolic visit to Turkey. Upon conclusion of the Liturgy, the two Church…
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Pope Francis: ecumenical prayer with Patriarch Bartholomew

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis participated in an ecumenical prayer service on Saturday evening with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I. Below, please find the full text of Pope Francis’ remarks on the occasion.
Your Holiness, my dear Brother,
Each evening brings a mixed feeling of gratitude for the day which is ending and of hope-filled trust as night falls.  This evening my heart is full of gratitude to God who allows me to be here in prayer with Your Holiness and with this sister Church after an eventful day during my Apostolic Visit. At the same time my heart awaits the day which we have already begun liturgically: the Feast of the Apostle Saint Andrew, Patron of this Church.
In the words of the prophet Zechariah, the Lord gives us anew in this evening prayer, the foundation that sustains our moving forward from one day to the next, the solid rock upon which we advance together in joy and hope.  The foundation rock is the Lord’s promise: “Behold, I will save my people from the countries of the east and from the countries of the west… in faithfulness and in righteousness” (8:7.8).
Yes, my venerable and dear Brother Bartholomew, as I express my heartfelt “thank you” for your fraternal welcome, I sense that our joy is greater because its source is from beyond; it is not in us, not in our commitment, not in our efforts – that are certainly necessary – but in our shared trust in God’s faithfulness which lays the foundation for the reconstruction of his temple that is the Church (cf. Zech 8:9).  “For there shall be a sowing of peace” ( Zech 8:12); truly, a sowing of joy.  It is the joy and the peace that the world cannot give, but which the Lord Jesus promised to his disciples and, as the Risen One, bestowed upon them in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Andrew and Peter heard this promise; they received this gift.  They were blood brothers, yet their encounter with Christ transformed them into brothers in faith and charity.  In this joyful evening, at this prayer vigil, I want to emphasize this; they became brothers in hope.  What a grace, Your Holiness, to be brothers in the hope of the Risen Lord!  What a grace, and what a responsibility, to walk together in this hope, sustained by the intercession of the holy Apostles and brothers, Andrew and Peter!  And to know that this shared hope does non deceive us because it is founded, not upon us or our poor efforts, but rather upon God’s faithfulness.
With this joyful hope, filled with gratitude and eager expectation, I extend to Your Holiness and to all present, and to the Church of Constantinople, my warm and fraternal best wishes on the Feast of your holy Patron. And I ask you one favor: to bless me and the Church of Rome. 
(from Vatican Radio)…