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Pope Francis: To understand Christ we must bear the Cross

(Vatican Radio) A Christian cannot understand Christ the Redeemer without the Cross, without being ready to bear the Cross with Jesus. That was Pope Francis’ message at Friday’s morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta. Listen to Christopher Wells’ report:  To be a Christian means to be a “Cyrene” [like Simon of Cyrene – ed.].…
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Benedict XVI will attend encounter with elderly on Sunday

(Vatican Radio) The Holy See Press Office announced on Friday Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI will attend the encounter with Pope Francis and the elderly on Sunday morning in St. Peter’s Square.   The encounter is preceding the Mass  with Grandparents and the Elderly scheduled to begin at 10:30 am.   More than 40 thousand seniors and grandparents from…
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Holy See publishes reply to UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

(Vatican Radio)  The Holy See Press Office has published the official text of the comments made in February by the Holy See delegation to the Concluding Observations of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child from earlier this year.  In the remarks, the Holy See reminded the committee the Holy See only exercises…
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Pope meets leaders of the international Focolari movement

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis met on Friday with leaders of the Focolari movement who are holding their General Assembly at Castel Gandolfo from September 1st to 28th. Half a century on from the Second Vatican Council, he said, they are called, with the whole Church, to follow a new path of evangelisation, witnessing God’s love…
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Vatican to UN: We need to address root cause of terrorism at home and abroad

(Vatican Radio)  The Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin has addressed the UN Security Council open debate on threats to international peace and security saying that the global cooperation in the fight against terrorism “must also address the root causes upon which international terrorism feeds” . While denouncing the “the dehumanizing impact of terrorism…
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