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Category: Global

Bishop Orowae: family is first seat of evangelisation

(Vatican Radio) Prayer is a central part of life at the Synod Assembly, and of the work of the Synod Fathers. On Friday morning, at Terce – the Church’s official praise of God at the “third hour” of the morning – Bishop Arnold Orowae of Wabag, Papua New Guinea, delivered the homily. In his remarks…
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Abp. Hart on Synod: We need a language of love

(Vatican Radio) “I came to this Synod with a lot of hope”, says Archbishop Denis Hart of Melbourne, Australia.  “In my words, I suggested that we need to use in our teaching and in a way faithful to our teaching, words that engage with the experience of families”. Listen to his full interview with Emer…
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Synod seeks to model God’s marriage of justice and mercy

(Vatican Radio) How can the Church remain true to its core beliefs while showing mercy, compassion and forgiveness to individuals who fail, in so many ways, to live up its high ideals? That’s the question at the heart of the Synod of Bishops on the Family which is moving towards the conclusion of its first…
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Seventh General Congregation: The pastoral challenges concerning an openness to life

Vatican City, 9 October 2014 (VIS) – The seventh general Congregation, which took place this morning was divided into two phases: the first consisting of further general debate on the theme of the previous afternoon, “Difficult Pastoral Situations” (Part II, Chapter 3. Situations in Families / Concerning Unions of Persons of the Same Sex”, and…
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Sixth General Congregation: the Church is the house of the Father, not a customs office, and must not be indifferent to weakness

Vatican City, 9 October 2014 (VIS) – During the Sixth General Congregation, which took place yesterday afternoon, the Synod Fathers continued their debate on the theme set forth in the Instrumentum Laboris: “Difficult pastoral situations (Part II, Chapter 3). Situations in Families / Concerning Unions of Persons of the Same Sex”. Firstly, it was underlined…
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