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Category: Global

Pope urges faithful not to divert their eyes from hunger

(Vatican Radio) In December 2013, the Catholic humanitarian aid network Caritas launched the One Human Family, Food for All campaign. The aims of the 18 month long initiative include, encouraging regular people to learn more about hunger and ways to solve it, calling on governments around the world to guarantee a right to food for…
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Bishops share impressions of Synod’s opening session

(Vatican Radio) The Church needs leaders that are listening to their people, speaking honestly, seeking consensus and discerning new ways of supporting family life. Those were the guidelines that emerged from a press conference held at the conclusion of the morning session by four of the key players in this Synod of Bishops. They were…
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Bishops share impressions of Synod’s opening session

(Vatican Radio) The Church needs leaders that are listening to their people, speaking honestly, seeking consensus and discerning new ways of supporting family life. Those were the guidelines that emerged from a press conference held at the conclusion of the morning session by four of the key players in this Synod of Bishops. They were…
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Pope to Synod Fathers: speak frankly and listen humbly

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis addressed the Fathers of the Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on Monday morning, as they began their first full day of sessions exploring the pastoral challenges of the family in the context of evangelization. In remarks prepared for the occasion, the Holy Father called on all participants in the…
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Pope: Family is integral part of God’s plan for humanity

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis urged the Synod Bishops to listen to the Lord’s call to “care for the family” which is “an integral part of His loving plan for humanity”. Listen to the report by Linda Bordoni:  The Holy Father said that “Synod Assemblies are not meant to discuss beautiful and clever ideas” but to…
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