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Month: January 2015

Angelus: deafness to the voice of the Holy Spirit leads to muteness in evangelisation

Vatican City, 11 January 2014 (VIS) – The feast of the Baptism of the Lord concludes the season of the Nativity and the Pope, during the Angelus at midday today, commenting on the passage in the Gospel of St. Mark – when the heavens open at the moment at which John the Baptist baptises Jesus in the Jordan – affirmed that this event marks the end of “the time of the closed heavens, which indicated the separation of God and man as a consequence of sin”. Sin “alienates us from God and ruptures the bond between earth and heaven, causing misery and failure in our lives. The open heavens indicate that God has given His grace so that the earth may bear His fruit. Thus the world transforms into God’s dwelling amid humanity, and each one of us has the opportunity to meet the Son of God, experiencing all of His love and infinite mercy. We find Him truly present in the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist. We are able to recognise Him in the face of our brothers, especially the poor, the sick, the imprisoned, and refugees; they are the living flesh of the suffering Christ and the visible image of the invisible God”. With the Baptism of Jesus, not only did the heavens open, but also “God speaks, making his voice resound anew: ‘You are my beloved Son: with you I am well pleased’. … And then the Holy Spirit descends, in the form of a dove: this enables Christ, the consecrated of the Lord, to inaugurate His mission, which is our salvation”. The Holy Father remarked that the Holy Spirit is forgotten in our prayers: “We need to ask for His help, His strength, His inspiration. The Holy Spirit, that fully inspired the life and ministry of Jesus, is the same Spirit that today guides Christian existence, the existence of a man and a woman who say they wish to be Christians. Placing under the action of the Holy Spirit our life as Christians and the mission that we have all received by virtue of our Baptism means rediscovering the apostolic courage necessary to overcome easy worldly comforts. … A Christian or a community that is deaf to the voice of the Holy Spirit, Who urges us to take the Gospel to the outermost limits of the world and of society, also becomes a mute Christian or community, unable to speak or to evangelise”. “Remember to pray often that the Holy Spirit might help us and give us strength and inspiration, leading us forward”, concluded Pope Francis who, following the Angelus prayer, asked the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square, especially those from Sri Lanka and the Philippines, to pray for him during his apostolic trip to these two countries, to commence tomorrow….

Meeting of the presidents of the European Episcopal Conferences

Vatican City, 10 January 2014 (VIS) – The presidents of the European Episcopal Conferences and the superiors of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith will meet from 13 to 15 January in Esztergom, Hungary. By the Instruction of 23 February 1967, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, on behalf of Blessed Pope Paul VI, had asked the Episcopal Conferences to institute an internal Doctrinal Commission, as a advisory organ for the same Episcopal Conferences and for the individual bishops in their concern for matters of doctrine of the faith. To strengthen collaboration between the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Doctrinal Commissions, in 1982 it was decided to periodically gather together the presidents of the aforementioned Commissions at a continental level. One of the original characteristics of these meetings was the fact that the superiors of the Congregation travel to the various continents, thus underlining the importance of local and regional issues and their responsibility in facing doctrinal questions. The first of these meetings, during the prefecture of the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, took place in Latin America, in Bogota, (1984); it was followed by meetings in Kinshasa, Africa (1987); Vienna, Europa (1989); Hong Kong, Asia (1993); Guadalajara, Latin America (1996); and San Francisco, North America (1999). During the prefecture of Cardinal William Levada another encounter took place in Dar es Salaam (2009). Now, Cardinal Peter Erdo, archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest and president of the Council of Episcopal Conferences of Europe (CCEE), has accepted the request made by Cardinal Gerhard L. Muller, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for a new meeting with the presidents of the European Doctrinal Commissions in Esztergom. Such an encounter demonstrates the will on the part of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to support the local episcopates – as Pope Francis emphasises – in their commitment to the promotion and protection of the doctrine of the faith, taking into consideration the specific challenges to be faced in Europe today….

Pope: “Int’l community must take concrete steps for peace

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has called on the international community to take concrete steps to bring about peace and to protect all those who are victims of war and persecution.
In a wide-ranging discourse to members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See, the Pope focused on a series of urgent issues which – he said – derive from a culture of rejection “which severs the deepest and most authentic human bonds, leading to a breakdown of society and spawning violence and death”.
Speaking in Italian to the representatives of the 180 States which have diplomatic relations with the Holy See,  the Pope said we see painful evidence of the consequences of this culture of rejection “in the events reported daily in the news, not least the tragic slayings which took place in Paris a few days ago”.
And moving across the globe, again and again the Pope mentioned the “tragic mentality of rejection” and “culture of enslavement” which are manifested in a “never ending spread of conflicts”. In this regard he spoke of Ukraine, of the Middle East –  in particular of the Holy Land – and of the spread of fundamentalist terrorism in Syria and in Iraq, where – he said – “this phenomenon is a consequence of the throwaway culture being applied to God”. 
In the annual speech that has come to be known as his “State of the World” address, Francis expressed  his hope that religious, political and intellectual leaders, especially those of the Muslim community, will condemn all fundamentalist and extremist interpretations of religion that attempt to justify such acts of violence.
Religious fundamentalism – the Pope explained – “even before it eliminates human beings by perpetrating horrendous killings, eliminates God himself, turning him into a mere ideological pretext”.
And violence and fundamentalism in Nigeria were next on Pope Francis’ list with a focus on the tragic phenomenon of kidnappings and human trafficking.
He then expressed concern for Libya, the Central African Republic, South Sudan, the Horn of Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo where “acts of brutality reap victims from among the poor and the most vulnerable”.
“Every conflict and war” – he said ““is emblematic of the throwaway culture since people’s lives are deliberately crushed by those in power”.
Pope Francis’ long discourse did not neglect to mention the effects of this culture of rejection on the victims of Ebola in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, or on the horrendous crime of rape “which offends the dignity of women” across the world, or on the lives of numerous refugees and displaced persons that risk being thrown away, including those of unaccompanied children.
And in a series of calls to legislators and rulers to take responsibility and to make every effort to resolve these grave humanitarian problems protecting the rights of citizens and promoting a change of attitude, the Pope did not neglect to mention the many other “hidden exiles” living – he said – in our homes and in our families: the elderly, the handicapped and young people who are “thrown away when they are denied concrete prospects of employment to build their future”. 
Holding up the recent agreement by the United States and Cuba to re-establish ties after more than half a century, Pope Francis concluded his discourse recalling the words of Pope Paul VI during his visit to the United Nations fifty years ago in which he pointed out that from the ashes of the immense tragedy of the Second World War, “there arose a new will for dialogue and encounter which inspired the UN” and sanctioned an agreement and an “oath to change the future of the world: never again war, never again war!” 
“This is likewise my own hope filled prayer for this new year” Pope Francis said – which will also see “the continuation of two significant processes: the drawing up of the Post-2015 Development Agenda” and “the drafting of a new Climate Change Agreement”.
“The indispensable presupposition of all these” – the Pope said – “is peace, which, even more than an end to all wars, is the fruit of heartfelt conversion”.
Click here for the Pope’s discourse to the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See.
(from Vatican Radio)…

Full text of Pope Francis’ address to the Diplomatic Corps

(Vatican Radio) On Monday, Pope Francis gave his traditional address to the members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See.  Below, please find the full text of the Holy Father’s address to the members of the Diplomatic Corps:  ADDRESS OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS TO THE MEMBERS OF THE DIPLOMATIC CORPS 12 January…
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Pope: “Int’l community must take concrete steps for peace

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has called on the international community to take concrete steps to bring about peace and to protect all those who are victims of war and persecution. In a wide-ranging discourse to members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See, the Pope touched on a series of urgent issues which…
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