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Month: May 2015

Pope to interfaith gathering: God hears cry of innocents

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has sent a Message to the participants in a major interreligious gathering in Israel. Organized by the Neocatechumenal Way – a group dedicated to giving Christian formation to people who are already members of the Church – the three-day gathering brought more than a hundred Rabbis, seven Cardinals, and dozens of…
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Cardinal Pell: Christians, Jews together to bear witness

(Vatican Radio) Cardinal George Pell has praised the efforts of participants in an historic international gathering of Christian and Jewish leaders in Israel to mark the 50th anniversary of the promulgation of the Conciliar declaration Nostra aetate, on the Church’s relation to non-Christian religions. Sponsored and organized by the Neocatechumenal Way, and conducted in Israel…
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Statutes for Commission for Protection of Minors released

(Vatican Radio)  The Statutes for the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors were made public on Friday.  They were approved by Pope Francis on April 21st, and will be in effect “ad experimentum” for three years.
The Commission was officially instituted last year, and is headed by Cardinal Seán O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap., the Archbishop of Boston.
The text of the statutes is below
♦ Statutes of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors
Chirograph of the Holy Father Francis for the Institution of a Pontifical Commission for the Protection of minors (22 March 2014)
On 21 April the Cardinal Secretary of State approved by mandate of the Supreme Pontiff, ad experimentum for three years, the Statute of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, the draft of which had been presented for approval by Cardinal Seán O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap., President of the same Commission.
The Statutes will then be published in the Italian original and in English.
To ensure the completeness of the documentation, the Chirograph of 22 March 2014, by which the Pope officially instituted the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, will be published contemporaneously.
Art. 1
§ 1. The Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors is an autonomous institution attached to the Holy See, with public juridic personality (can. 116 CIC). The Commission is an advisory body at the service of the Holy Father.
§ 2. The protection of minors is of paramount importance. The purpose of the Commission is to propose initiatives to the Roman Pontiff, according to the procedures and determinations specified in these Statutes, for the purposes of promoting local responsibility in the particular Churches for the protection of all minors and vulnerable adults.
§ 3. Proposals submitted to the Holy Father by the Commission must be approved by a majority of two-thirds of the Members.
§ 4. In developing the proposals referred to in § 2, when the matter concerns the competence of other ecclesial bodies, the President of the Commission, assisted by the Secretary, shall consult promptly the offices responsible for the protection of minors in local churches, episcopal conferences, conferences of superiors of institutes of consecrated life and societies of apostolic life, as well as the dicastery of the Roman Curia competent in the matter. This consultation will be shared in a transparent manner with the Commission Members.
§ 5. The Commission may require an account of the effectiveness of work carried out by the competent bodies mentioned in § 4.
§ 6. The legal seat of the Commission is in the Vatican City State.
Art. 2
§ 1. The Commission is composed of a maximum of eighteen members appointed by the Holy Father for a period of three years, which may be reconfirmed.
§ 2. Members are chosen from among persons of good and proven reputation and with recognized competence in the various fields of interest which are entrusted to the Commission.
§ 3. The President is appointed by the Roman Pontiff from among the members of the Commission for a period of three years and the term of office may be reconfirmed.
§ 4. The Secretary is appointed by the Roman Pontiff from among persons of recognized competence in the protection of minors for a period of three years, and the term of office may be reconfirmed. The Secretary is a member of the Commission ex officio.
Art. 3
§ 1. The Commission is convened in Plenary Assembly twice each year. On the request of two thirds of the Members, and with the consent of the President, an extraordinary Plenary Assembly can be convened. For a Plenary Assembly to be validly convened, the presence of at least two thirds of the members is required. On the same conditions, a Plenary Assembly may also meet by videoconference.
§ 2. During the Plenary Assembly, the Members act collegially under the direction of the President.
§ 3. The Members elect from within their midst, by an absolute majority of votes, two members to serve on the Agenda Committee for the next Plenary Assembly, together with the President and the Secretary. The Agenda Committee continues its work until the Minutes of the Assembly are completed.
§ 4. The Agenda Committee guides the proceedings of the Plenary Assembly, in particular:
a) determining the Agenda;
b) ensuring that the necessary documentation is submitted to the Members at least two weeks before the scheduled meeting;
c) ensuring preparation of the Minutes of the meetings and storing them in the archives of the Commission.
Art. 4
§ 1. The President is responsible for ensuring the proper functioning of the Commission, within the framework of its competencies, and for directing its meetings.
§ 2. The role of the Secretary is to assist the President in carrying out his responsibilities, to act in the name of the Commission in ordinary affairs and to direct the Commission’s office. The Secretary also promotes the collaboration of the Commission with the offices responsible for the protection of minors in the particular Churches, episcopal conferences, conferences of superiors of institutes of consecrated life and societies of apostolic life, and the dicasteries and other institutions of the Roman Curia.
§ 3. The officials working in the Commission’s office assist the President, coordinated by the Secretary. One staff member has particular responsibility for the administration of material resources and in the preparation of the budget, accounting, and financial records of the Commission, in accordance with the norms established for the Holy See.
§ 4. The Secretary is a Prelate Superior, according to art. 3 of the Regolamento Generale della Curia Romana.
§ 5. For the hiring and employment of the personnel, the norms contained in the Regolamento Generale della Curia Romana and Regolamento della Commissione indipendente di valutazione per le assunzioni di personale laico presso la Sede Apostolica are to be observed, together with any eventual changes and additions.
Art. 5
§ 1. The Commission’s “working groups” prepare the initiatives mentioned in art. 1, § 2 and submit them for approval by the Commission Members. Each working group is constituted to examine a specific theme thoroughly and to present specific proposals to the Plenary Assembly.
§ 2. The drafts prepared by the working groups, in accord with § 1, are made available to the Members through electronic means for their observations. The responsibility of each working group ceases with submission of its proposals to the Plenary Assembly, except when there is need for further study.
§ 3. The President, after consultation with the Members of the Commission, appoints a Member as the Moderator of each working group.
§ 4. The Moderator of each working group submits to the Commission a list of at least three names to be designated as collaborators of the group. These collaborators are chosen from among persons of good and proven reputation, with recognized expertise in the subject being studied by the working group as part of its work.
§ 5. The collaborators in § 4 who are not Commission Members carry out the tasks entrusted to them without becoming members of the Commission and without acquiring any right or function within the same.
Art. 6
§ 1. The Pontifical Commission, including its office and the working groups, shall be provided with adequate human and material resources, corresponding to its assigned institutional functions.
§ 2. The Commission operates in accord with the norms of its Statutes, the dispositions of universal canon law and the Regolamento generale della Curia Romana.
§ 3. The Members, staff and collaborators of the working groups are bound to observe professional confidentiality with regard to the reports or information which may come to their knowledge in the course of their duties and functions.
§ 4. The languages employed by the Commission are Italian, Spanish and English.
§ 5. The archives of the Commission are kept within the Vatican City State.
§ 6. The norms of these present Statutes shall be observed ad experimentum for a period of three years, at which time the Commission is to present any modifications for the permanent Statutes to be approved by the Supreme Pontiff.
From the Vatican, 21 April 2015
Cardinal Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State
(from Vatican Radio)…

Statutes for Commission for Protection of Minors released

(Vatican Radio)  The Statutes for the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors were made public on Friday.  They were approved by Pope Francis on April 21st, and will be in effect “ad experimentum” for three years. The Commission was officially instituted last year, and is headed by Cardinal Seán O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap., the Archbishop…
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Pope Francis meets with Pentecostal pastors

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Thursday afternoon met with a group of Pentecostal pastors in the “Auletta”, a meeting room adjoining the Paul VI Audience Hall.
A statement released by the Holy See Press Office said the meeting was private, and involved around 100 pastors from around the world. The group was led by Pastor Giovanni Traettino, whose community in the Italian city of Caserta was visited last year by Pope Francis.
The statement said the meeting was “very cordial” and characterized by a “spirit of prayer for unity.”
Pope Francis was accompanied by Cardinal Kurt Koch, the President of Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.
(from Vatican Radio)…