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Month: October 2014

Pope Francis: Middle East without Christians unthinkable

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis convened a Consistory of Cardinals on Monday morning in the Vatican. Originally scheduled in order to proceed with the causes of candidates for beatification, the Holy Father expanded the agenda of the meeting to include discussion of the ongoing crisis in the Middle East. In remarks to the gathered Cardinals at…
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Holy See to UN: Too many children denied "fundamental" right to life

(Vatican Radio) Eliminating violence against children demands that States, governments, civil society and religious communities support and enable the family to carry out its proper responsibility, according to the Holy See’s Permanent Observer to the United Nations in New York. Archbishop Bernardito Auza was speaking on Friday at a committee meeting on the Rights of…
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At closing Mass for the Synod Pope Francis beatifies Paul VI

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Sunday celebrated the Closing Mass for the Extraordinary Synod on the Family. During the Mass in Saint Peter’s Square, the Holy Father beatified his predecessor, Pope Paul VI, whom he described as a “great Pope,” a “courageous Christian” and a “tireless apostle.” In his homily, Pope Francis focused on Christ’s…
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Pope Francis recalls missions, Mary, at Angelus address

(Vatican Radio) At the conclusion of Sunday’s Mass for the Closing of the Synod and the Beatification of Paul VI, Pope Francis led the faithful in the noonday Angelus. Here is the complete text of Pope Francis’s remarks: At the end of this solemn celebration, I want to greet the pilgrims from Italy and various…
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Synod on Family shows Church whose doors are always open

(Vatican Radio) Bishops attending the Synod on the Family on Saturday concluded their two week meeting by voting on a final document which will form the basis for discussion over the coming year. Pope Francis, who has followed closely the working of the Synod, also addressed the assembly, reflecting on the honest, courageous and, at…
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