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Month: October 2014

Pope at Santa Marta: In praise of God

(Vatican Radio) It’s easy to pray for a grace, it’s far more difficult to pray in praise of the Lord, but this is the prayer of true joy, said Pope Francis at Mass Thursday morning in Santa Marta. Reflecting on St Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, which joyfully elevates a prayer of blessing to God,…
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An Anglican ‘outsider’ shares insights at the Synod on the Family

(Vatican Radio) Among the 253 participants in the Synod on the Family which will conclude here in the Vatican on Sunday are eight delegates from different Christian Churches who are sharing insights from their own communities and traditions. Among them is the Anglican Bishop of Durham Paul Butler who has specialised in children and family…
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Synod groups work to fine tune document on family life

(Vatican Radio) Participants at the Synod on the Family continued their work in small language groups on Wednesday, offering amendments or additions to their working document made public earlier this week. At the daily briefing to report on this “work in progress”, the head of the Holy See press office Fr Federico Lombardi was joined…
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Synod groups work to fine tune document on family life

(Vatican Radio) Participants at the Synod on the Family continued their work in small language groups on Wednesday, offering amendments or additions to their working document made public earlier this week. At the daily briefing to report on this “work in progress”, the head of the Holy See press office Fr Federico Lombardi was joined…
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Pope: The perennial relevance of St Teresa of Avila

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has sent a message to mark the Jubilee Year for the 500th anniversary of the birth of St Teresa of Avila, a Discalced Carmelite and Doctor of the Church. On this her feast day, the Pope writes that St Teresa teaches us that the path to God is the path towards…
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