400 South Adams Ave. Rayne, La 70578

Month: September 2014

Pope at Angelus: Why exalt the Cross?

(Vatican Radio) “Why do Christians exalt the Cross of Christ?” asked Pope Francis of pilgrims and tourists Sunday who had gathered beneath the window of his study to for the midday Angelus.  Because, he told them, that Cross on which Christ was nailed “is the source of the mercy of God that embraces the whole…
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Pope Francis remembers the victims of every war

(Vatican Radio ) On the morning of  Saturday September 13,  Pope Francis presided over Holy Mass at the Italian War Memorial of Redipuglia.He did so at the foot of this monumental military cemetery which lies in the Province of Friuli Venezia Giulia in an area of Italy where there was  heavy  fighting between the Allied…
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Bulletin Bulletin of Sept. 14, 2014 – The Exalutation of the Holy Cross

Bulletin of Sept. 14, 2014 – The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Pope Francis: War is "madness" which brings destruction

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis on Saturday morning celebrated Mass at the Italian Military Memorial of Redipuglia.  The visit to the area, which was the scene of fighting between Italy and the forces of the Central Powers during World War I, was to mark the centenary of the beginning of the war.  The Mass was said…
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Pope Francis to visit Istanbul to mark feast of St Andrew

(Vatican Radio) Turkish President Recep Tayyp Erdogan has issued an official invitation to Pope Francis to visit his country. Speaking to journalists on Friday, the head of the Vatican press office, Fr Federico Lombardi said the Holy See had received the invitation and was preparing for a papal visit to Turkey at the end of…
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